The Talking Place
It’s the place where we talk. About what? That depends on the week! Every show brings a new guest, and with them, a new topic to cover. And if there’s no guest, I’ll be going on by myself, speaking my thoughts and opinions on anything from gaming, dad stuff, and life in general. If you’re looking to talk, I know a place.
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
011 | Today's Positive w/ Elaine
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Today's Positive: An awesome show
Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! On this, the 3rd day of February. Elaine, etdragon, OG, pioneer of pioneers, originator of originators, was awakened at sunset from her trash panda haven, and spoke to me in Elainese and said: I will join you on your show!
So here we are! Still in Groundhog Day mode like we wear top hats, this is episode 11 and I'm joined by Elaine! We went over a ton of topics ranging from kids and the absolute joys of parenting them, how it was putting out podcasts waaaaaaay back before the internet was invented, and going through gaming fatigue.
But most of all, what I think is the main focus, is our talk about mental health. We got into a deep conversation that led down many paths. Discussions about why finding the positive of a day is important, and what led to an alcohol free life.
This episode was real, candid, and meaningful. I'm super happy to have had Elaine on and we both hope the show is heard on the many levels it was broadcasted on.
Links and Info Discussed
Elaine's Twitter - @etdragon
(listen to the show to hear the origin story behind it!)
Twitter of the podcast she co-hosts - @TheXboxEmpire
and its website - Xbox Empire Podcast
Twitter of the network of the podcast - @PSVG
the main website - PSVG Blog
Contact The Talking Place
If you'd like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
Voicemail - 407.906.TALK
Twitter - @TheTalkingPlace, @The1llusiveMan
Email -
If you're looking to join me for an episode, don't be shy and get at me at the above links and we'll chat!
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
010 | 80's and 90's Cartoons w/ Al
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Who You Gonna Call? Not the Turtles!
TEN EPISODES! Isn't that amazing! At double digits now! It's probably ok to retire now, right? Call it quits after hitting this milestone. Well, for this episode it's a nostalgic trip to our childhood, as Al and myself go back to the 80's and 90's to talk cartoons!
So many different shows defined many a childhood growing up. It would be nearly impossible to mention them all, or even give most of them justice. Especially after talking about The Real Ghostbusters so much LOL. We could've gone on for 5 hours and still left out the favorites of many. So come to think of it, I hope this show doesn't make anyone mad that we didn't mention their favorite cartoon growing up. If you are upset, let's do another show! If you rather just be mad and send hate mail, then Al's contact info is just below!
Links and Info Discussed
The Retro Rents Episode 35, Interview with Christy Marx:
Apple Podcasts
Direct download
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas clip
Best Cartoons of the 80's and 90's - IMDB List
Theme Song Intros -
Conan The Adventurer
Captain N The Gamemaster
The Real Ghostbusters
Slimer! and the Real Ghostbusters
Filmation Ghostbusters
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012, the good one)
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2018, the bad one lol)
TMNT (2007, real good one) movie trailer
Every Terrifying Real Ghostbusters monster - Laura Legends
Mr. Sandman Dream Me a Dream - clip from The Real Ghostbusters
@RetroRentsAl - Al's Twitter
@TheRetroRents - Al's podcast on Twitter
Where to find/download The Retro 'Rents
Contact The Talking Place
If you'd like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
Voicemail - 407.906.TALK
Twitter - @TheTalkingPlace, @The1llusiveMan
Email -
If you're looking to join me for an episode, don't be shy and get at me at the above links and we'll chat!
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
009 | Best Games of the Generation w/Beardy
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Survey Says!
Two shows in a row! One more, and it'll probably be some sort of record for me. Also a record, is the amount of shows done by two guys who quit their last show because they could never get together to record. (That's us!)
Yup, Beardy and I are here another week and we're back to our old gaming antics. But we're not discussing current trends and the new hotness. No, we're going back over the past 7 years and talking about the best games and experiences of the last generation. PS4 and Xbox One gave us some of the most memorable games of all time. So it's only right to go over them.
And, apparently, I was bored enough one day to put together a census on the last gen of games. It was extensive, it was detailed, and it was probably looked at for 5 seconds and closed by many. But a few kind souls spread out through a couple of different communities took the time to fill it out! So what stood out? Let's see.
Links and Info Discussed
Here is the survey - If you're curious, want to contribute, or see the grandness for yourself. It won't be discussed/looked at anymore so it's just for fun for you.
The other communities the survey was shared to besides EZFM - Bad Fodder Figures, Good Morning Guys, PSVG
@BeardyMcWhiskey - Secret agent man
Contact The Talking Place
If you'd like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
Voicemail - 407.906.TALK
Twitter - @TheTalkingPlace, @The1llusiveMan
Email -
If you're looking to join me for an episode, don't be shy and get at me at the above links and we'll chat!
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
008 | Raising Boys & Capitol Siege w/ Beardy
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Ani-mani, and Totally Insaney
Beardy and I are back and we're tackling the heavy hitting issues of today. Like when is the best time to take down your holiday decorations. How you should decorate for Valentine's Day. And much more!
We get into the excitement and adventure that is raising boys. It's a full-of-surprises kind of experience where one minute you can be greeted with a hug, and five minutes later you're staring down the barrel of a nerf gun listening to the demands of a terrorist. Good times!
Speaking of terrorists, the U.S. Capitol was sieged last week. And while I typically stay far away from such topics, we couldn't resist touching on this historic event. We shared our thoughts and we both felt like we held back from being more blunt. But bottom line is nothing positive or any understanding reasoning can be taken from the events of that day.
Anyway, topics got away from us and it turned into a 1.5 hour show. Who knew! Hope you enjoy and stay safe till next week.
Links and Info Discussed
Target's Seasonal Birds - Thanks, Laura McIntyre's Pinterest lol
Capitol Police inviting terrorists in
The Push Me Out and Maced Me - Animaniacs 10 hour version
Stephen Colbert's thoughts on maced girl
@BeardyMcWhiskey - Secret agent man
Contact The Talking Place
If you'd like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
Voicemail - (407)906-TALKTwitter - @TheTalkingPlace, @The1llusiveManEmail -
If you're looking to join me for an episode, don't be shy and get at me at the above links and we'll chat!
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
007 | The Great Christmas Call-in w/ Beardy
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Christmas Call-in Spectacular
Ok, fine, "spectacular" isn't exactly the right word, but let's not dwell on that! Let's dwell on the fact that it's been about 5 months since the last show! .....No, you know what, let's not dwell on that either. Ok, here, dwell on 2020 coming to a close! There you go, something positive. And personally, with so much craziness that happened in 2020, and so so so much happening since the last show, let's just say I'm happy to start the new year on a new foot.
Beardy promised weeks ago to do this show and tried to back out of it until I showed him proof of his commitment. Then in the Christmas spirit I decided to do a live show and that's how we got these two awesome guests!
Thanks to Strip Mahjong, longtime member and supporter of the Future Monkeys community, and thanks to Al, host of the Retro Rents Podcast!! Together with Beardy - former co-host, retired, and said to never do another show again only to come back and co-host 90% of my shows here - we talked about Christmas, the positive things that we got out of 2020, games we're playing, and all that good stuff!
Links and Info Discussed
@RetroRentsAl - Al's Twitter
@TheRetroRents - Al's podcast on Twitter
Where to find/download The Retro 'Rents
@BeardyMcWhiskey - Secret agent man
Contact The Talking Place
If you'd like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
Voicemail - (407)906-TALKTwitter - @TheTalkingPlaceEmail -
If you're looking to join me for an episode, don't be shy and email me at the above address and we'll chat!
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
006 | The LEGO Life w/ Matt Ulvila
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
LEGO Loving Fools
It's been over a year in post-production but I'm finally getting this episode out! Once again, apologies to Mr. Ve6a5 for slacking so much. But hey, if you're a fan of LEGO, this one's for you!
Matt has been building bricks since he was a kid. Me, not so much, but that doesn't stop us from going on about one of our favorite hobbies. It may be a little dated, talking about sets that come out "next year" and now listening to it they are already on shelves, but you can't put an age on the passion!
We went on about earliest memories building sets, what our favorites are, why we love collecting, the LEGO video games, and more! It was definitely a fun time talking to Matt and I hope one day he'll join me again for an updated show that I promise to put out in a more timely manner haha.
Links and Info Discussed
Beauty and the Beast LEGO library by Sarah von Innerebner
And here is its reddit post
LEGO Star Wars AT-AT for the 40th Anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back
LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 post from
@Ve6a5 - Matt's twitter.
@Ve6a5 - Is also Matt's Instagram.
Follow Matt on Pinterest - Is Matt's company he co-founded. Go check it out to see what he and his talented team are capable of. If you're interested in hiring them, they have a contact form on their site.
@3thought - Is their twitter.
Contact The Talking Place
If you'd like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
Voicemail - (407)906-TALKTwitter - @TheTalkingPlaceEmail -
If you're looking to join me for an episode, don't be shy and email me at the above address and we'll chat!
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
005 | Quarantine Crossing w/ Beardy
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
As Long As We Got Each Other
WELCOME to episode 5! FIVE! That's so exciting and so sad at the same time. It's ok though, because as long as we got each other, we got the world spinnin' right in our hands. Yeah, that does sound familiar, doesn't it? Guess you'll have to listen to figure it out.
Speaking of listening, it wouldn't be a podcast in 2020 without talking about the pandemic and quarantine living! Beardy McWhiskey, the man who broke up with me and ended our previous podcast is back for another episode of The Talking Place. We discuss a few things, but we focused on what's new with us as we live the quarantine life. We talk about why you're an asshat if you don't wear a mask, Beardy walked us through making an Old Fashioned, and to liven up the mood we talked games! A few were mentioned, along with our thoughts on next gen, but Animal Crossing stood out, of course.
A few things were mentioned but no details were given during this episode:
I'm starting to stream games more! I've put Animal Crossing and Pokemon down for a bit and figured I needed to get my survival instincts up. So I've been playing Fortnite and Destiny 2 and streaming it when I do. Nothing crazy, I just hit broadcast and go from there. So check me out on Twitch and subscribe if you'd like.
Lastly, there's a new voicemail number! I talked about it and how it's new but I never gave it out. So if you want to give the show a call to say hi or whatever, it's (407)906-TALK!
Timestamps:Beardy's Old Fashioned - (42:50)Games! - (01:09:48)Animal Crossing - (01:14:33)Voicemail - (01:26:25)
Links and Info Discussed
My Twitch channel for game streaming
Bill Burr on mask wearing from The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast
Beardy's Twitter - @BeardyMcWhiskey
Check out Games We Don't Play on Podbean and their Last of Us Adventure Episode
Check out The Retro 'Rents on Podbean
Check out the Bad Fodder Figures on Podbean
These shows can also be found anywhere else you may download podcasts!
Contact The Talking Place
If you'd like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
Voicemail - (407)906-TALKTwitter - @TheTalkingPlaceEmail -
If you're looking to join me for an episode, don't be shy and email me at the above address and we'll chat!
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
BONUS | The Black Friday Call-in
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
It's the first call-in show! This week's bonus episode is focused on Black Friday. I sit down all by my onesies and talk about BF and deals and memories and such, recollecting times when I would break night in a line just to save a few bucks. MAN, I love Black Friday. Even though it's technically like all week now, but whatever. I also touch on my thoughts about BF spilling into Thanksgiving, which will always suck but it is what it is.
It wouldn't be a call-in show without some call-ins so I'd like to thank @RetroRentsAL from The Retro Rents Podcast for being the first to call in and talk Black Friday. Also like to thank Maffia-Thug, co-founder of Veteran Gamers and EZFM community member, for chiming in as well! This was the first time doing this and it was a very spur of the moment thing with not too much notice so the call-ins were appreciated.
If you'd like to get on one of these Call-in bonus shows, just leave a voicemail when I let you know on twitter. Contrary to what I said on the show, I JUST discovered how to make a personalized number. Of course, they're charging for it now when it used to be free. But my OCD is too annoying for me to not pay it just for a proper voicemail line. So look for the new number on twitter when it goes live!
So if you'd like to follow on twitter, you can go ahead right here @TheTalkingPlace.
Or if you'd like to email you can do so at
And be sure to check out Episode 4 of The Talking Place where Beardy McWhiskey, DeviousMrMatt, and myself talk all things Thanksgiving!
Until next show!
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
004 | The Thanksgiving Meal w/ Matt and Beardy
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Eat all the things!
Welcome to episode 4 of The Talking Place! It's all about Thanksgiving this week and it's going to be just as tasty as you're expecting. We're going over the entire meal - starters, entrees, sides, desserts, everything - and we're not apologizing for making you hungry. We also talk about our traditions, things we're always cooking or eating every year, it's just a packed episode full of Thanksgivingness.
Joining me is Beardy McWhiskey and DeviousMrMatt once again. They joined me in episode 2 where we talked all about smoking meats, so be sure to check that out if you haven't! I love talking food with these two because there's a ton of experience between them when it comes to feeding their families or others. So it's much appreciated them joining me once again.
I hope you enjoy the fourth episode of The Talking Place! Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Links and Info Discussed
Beardy's Pie Bird he discussed
Sweet Potato Gratin recipe - The Man, The Chef, The Dad
Matt's favorite rolls from Target (lol)
ACE Pumpkin Cider that Beardy talked about
Beardy's Twitter - @BeardyMcWhiskey
Matt's Twitter - @DeviousMrMatt
Twitter for Matt's podcast - @BadFodderFigure
Here are the Bad Fodder Figures on Podbean
They can also be found anywhere else you may download podcasts!
Contact The Talking Place
If you'd like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
Twitter - @TheTalkingPlaceEmail -
If you're looking to join me for an episode, don't be shy and email me at the above address and we'll chat!
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Bonus | The History of Pokémon with Chase
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
I choose you!
Welcome to the first bonus episode of The Talking Place! I'm sure I'll have a lot more to do with these bonus episodes in the future, but this one won't disappoint!
In this bonus show you'll hear Chase again, from the Learned From Gaming Podcast. He goes through the history of Pokémon. All his experience, his memories, everything. It's the perfect accompaniment to today, the release day of Pokémon Sword and Shield!
Again, a huge thanks to both Chase for recording this and agreeing to share, and to Fred Rojas from Gaming History 101 for also allowing to share this episode with The Talking Place! This was originally recorded specifically for his podcast, Gaming History 101, but was shared with us here, just as episode 3 of The Talking Place was shared with them. There's a lot of cross pollination going on here, and you can thank Pokémon for that!
Be sure to check out the links below for all of Fred and Chase's info and where to find them!
Links and Info Discussed
Learned From Gaming on Podbean
Learned From Gaming on Twitter
Chase on Twitter
Gaming History 101
Gaming History 101 on Twitter
Fred Rojas on Twitter
If you'd like to buy the game, here are handy links! Amazon and Best Buy links are affiliated, so purchasing through the link will help out the show. Thanks!
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Shield
Pokémon Sword and Shield Double Pack
Nintendo Switch Lite - Zacian and Zamazenta Edition
Sword and Shield Official Strategy Guide
Best Buy-
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Shield
Pokémon Sword and Shield Double Pack
Nintendo Switch Lite - Zacian and Zamazenta Edition
Contact The Talking Place
If you'd like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
Twitter - @TheTalkingPlaceEmail -
If you're looking to join me for an episode, don't be shy and email me at the above address and we'll chat!